- Warm Coat/Jacket for activities
- Water Bottle/Flask
- Wellingtons
- 2 pairs of Outdoor Shoes / Trainers (1 old pair for wet activities)
- Indoor shoes/slippers
- Plenty of old clothes as they will get wet/muddy during activities
- T-shirts/shirts
- Shorts (summer only)
- Trousers/Tracksuit Bottoms/Leggings
- Sweatshirts/Fleeces
- Casual clothes for indoors
- Bin liner for dirty clothes
- Underwear and socks
- Thick socks to wear with walking boots
- Torch
- Wash kit and Towel
- Pyjamas/Night clothes
Whitehall provide waterproofs and walking boots. You can bring your own but please don’t buy them for this trip. Whitehall can also provide wellington boots if your child does not have a pair.
In the summer make sure you bring plenty of sun protection. Midge repellent is also strongly recommended.
In the winter bring plenty of warm clothing including hats and gloves.
Your child can bring a small amount of snacks/ sweets if they wish. We would recommend that they bring enough just for themselves.
Change for Tuck Shop (around £7 is suggested by the school)