Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
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  3. Panto tomorrow - important information

Panto tomorrow - important information

6 December 2023 (by Andrew Rudge (arudge))

We are all really looking forward to our trip to Derby Theatre tomorrow.

Please be advised that children do not need to bring book bags to school tomorrow. Instead they need to bring a snack and a drink in a small rucksack or drawstring bag that is easy to carry to the theatre. Please note that children will not be eating their school lunch until 1:30 so children may need a larger than normal snack. These snacks should not be for sharing with other children.

Children must be wearing school uniform (Dodgeball team should wear kit and a school jumper). The forecast is for rain, so please ensure children have their coat with them.

Many thanks.