School IDL Subscription29 March 2023 (by helena steeples (hsteeples)) |
Dear parents and carers,
We have recently purchased a subscription for IDL. This is an excellent computer based resource which will help your child to make progress in both Literacy and Numeracy. As well as these core subjects, IDL also has a Wellbeing section which provides a range of activities for children to participate in.
We aim to use IDL throughout the school as part of our class teaching, intervention support and home activities. Your child is welcome to work their way through the resource in a “little and often” way, dipping into each of the three curriculum areas. Teachers may direct children to complete certain lessons as part of their weekly home activity work. Research has shown that spending 24 hours (not all at once) on IDL can lead to 11 months worth of progress.
Your child will be able to access IDL at home, using the login details provided by school.
Please follow the instructions below:
· To access IDL – go to
· Log in using the details provided
· Change colours if your child needs to in order to decrease visual stress
· From this page, children can access Numeracy, Literacy and Wellbeing
· Year 3 and 4 children should also access the MTC (Multiplication Tables Checker) unit
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Many thanks
Mrs Perrett