Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
  2. KS2 Production

KS2 Production

14 July 2022 (by helena steeples (hsteeples))

Dear  KS2 Parents 

We have taken the decision to move the school production from the evening of Tuesday 19th July to Wednesday 20th July. This is because the weather forecast is for 36 degrees on Tuesday and a such a high temperature will mean a very uncomfortable experience for both the children and yourselves. The temperature is forecast to drop on Wednesday to 24 degrees and we feel it will be much better to hold the production on this date when it will be much more comfortable for you as an audience to sit and watch the show and much more comfortable for our children to perform. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused but we are sure you will understand given the extreme weather predictions. 

The production will commence at 6.30pm on Wednesday 20th July. If you have already purchased tickets and are unable to attend please contact the school office for a refund.