Church Broughton C of E Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 6 Bikeability Monday 18th July

Year 6 Bikeability Monday 18th July

14 July 2022 (by helena steeples (hsteeples))

Dear Parents.


After considering the proposed high temperatures predicted for Monday 18th July, we have sadly decided to cancel Bikeability for our Year 6 pupils to ensure they are not outside all day in temperatures of over 30 degrees. Unfortunately the Sports Partnership are unable to run the course on another day before the end of term. We understand from the Sports Partnership  who run the course, that if your child will be attending John Port next academic year  they will endeavour to pick those children up who have been unable to complete the Level 2 course. We will inform the Sports Partnership who those children are. We apologise to the Year 6 children who will not be able to participate in Bikeability, but we hope they will understand the need for us to ensure they are safe and not affected by the extreme temperatures predicted.